October 2024 Minutes

Thursday 17th October 2024, at 7:30pm
Minutes taken by The Clerk: Mrs Val Austin 
(These minutes will be checked at the next meeting before the council amends/approves them as a correct record)

Councillors: Cllr Nigel Marshall (Chair), Cllr Bridgett Posey (Vice Chair), Cllr Peter Bedford, Cllr Judith Godwin, 
Cllr Shaun Pearson, Cllr Amy Marshall, Cllr Simon Pearson, Cllr Roy Pearson, Cllr Tony Wheeler, and The Clerk Val Austin.

Also Present: County Councillor, Paul Skinner

The meeting was called to order at 19:26pm 

1.    Chairman to open the meeting: Good evening and Welcome.

2.    Apologises:  To receive and accept apologises where a valid reason for the absence has been given to the clerk prior to the meeting.
•    All councillors in attendance. 

3.    Public Forum: No members of the public were present

4.    Police Matters: Stats and incidents are available to view on the police website. Local Crime information website www.streetcheck.co.uk.  

Shore Road     PE22 0NH        Aug    Anti-Social Behaviour - On or near Sports / Recreation 
Shore Road     PE22 0NH        Aug    Violence and sexual offences - On or near Bull Pastures - Under Investigation

5.    Minutes: To approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on the 19th September 2024. 
To resolve as a correct record and to authorise the Chairman to sign the official minutes
•    All councillors resolved for the chairman Cllr Nigel Marshall to sign the minutes.

6.    Declarations of interest (if any): To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests
•    None received.

7.    Planning update: Town and Country Planning Act 1990 - To consider and make observations on all planning applications received and to note planning approvals, refusals, enforcement complaints and appeal decisions advised by Boston Borough Council. – 
•    No planning received.

8.    Updates / Discuss and resolve the following items

8.1.    Highway & Roads – Update 
•    The clerk has written a letter to the proprietor about the hedge along Church Road, no reply received. 
•    Cllr Shaun Pearson advised the clerk by email that the hedge has now been cut.
•    Cllr Roy Pearson mentioned the sink hole full of water and not draining along Wainfleet Road by the speed camera. 
•    Cllr Paul Skinner, advised he will have a look next week. 
8.2    Churchyard – Nettles / Rubbish in Churchyard Grounds. – Cllr Nigel Marshall – Update 
•    The clerk has written to the PCC with the proposal from the Parish Council.
•    Cllr Simon Pearson advised that the PCC had their meeting, and the offer from the Parish Council is fantastic news for the PCC and they are very grateful for the help.
To remove the sheep fence and to continue with the maintenance of the grass. 
Cllr Simon Pearson mentioned that they have no plans to remove the sheep fence, and they intend to have sheep back in the churchyard. 
Councillors discussed several ideas about the fencing and Cllr Simon Pearson will take the information back to the PCC and advise at the next meeting.
•    The clerk has been in contact with Boston Borough Council for the prices of a general 1100L waste bin.  The cost of a 1100L general waste bin will be £17.50 per collection.
•    Councillors discussed the general waste bin and suggested having two bins either side of the churchyard. Cllr Simon Pearson will take the information to the PCC and advise at the next meeting. 
•    The clerk wrote to Bates asking if they would donate towards the cost of the regeneration. No reply received. 
8.3    Interactive Speed Signs for Village 
•    The clerk has been in touch with LRSP, for a suggestion with regards to Butterwick Road, and suggested a battery powered unit. 
•    Butterwick Road location to be situated on the pole for the Freiston sign. 
•    After discussions all councillors resolved for the PC to purchase 6 solar units and 5 poles. 
•    The clerk to contact Elan city to accept the quote.

8.4:        Grovefield Lane Complaint 
•    The clerk received a complaint regarding Grovefield Lane.
•    Cllr Nigel Marshall visited the resident and spoke about the mud and appeased the home owner.

8.5:        Village Litter Picking Day – Cllr Judith Godwin
•    To suggest a day for litter picking in November
•    All Councillors agreed to do the litter picking on the 1st December 2024
•    Cllr Peter Bedford, has arranged for the equipment for the event.
•    Councillors suggested the notice go in the newsletter. 
•    Cllr Roy Pearson suggested bringing shovels for the event.

8.6:        December 2024 Newsletter
•    To decide on items to go into the December 2024 newsletter.
•    All councillors advised what they required to go into the newsletter.
9.    Finance:

9.1        Bank Account: Statement of accounts as at 17th October 2024
•    Treasurers Account Balance - £4,839.47
•    Business Bank Instant Balance - £37,376.42
•    Fixed Term deposit account - £40,000.00 – Mature date December 2024
9.2    To approve the accounts for payments
•    Payments due October 2024 - £835.40
•    Payments made in between meetings - £160.27
•    Receipts received October 2024 - £27.63
9.3    Draft Budget for 2025 – 2026 
•    All Councillors received a copy of the draft budget
•    To be carried over to November meeting. 

10.    Date of next parish council meeting: Thursday 21st November 2024 
11.    Any other business to go forward to the November 21st 2024 – Agenda. / Note for information. 

•    Cllr Bridgett Posey mentioned the speeding of the tractors through the village, and not slowing down
•    Cllr Judith Godwin will speak to the farmer 
•    Cllr Judith Godwin mentioned for next year to put in wooden poles the same size as the poles that are on the verge now. A cost of approx. £12.00 each. 
•    Cllr Paul Skinner mentioned the Data Bank for digital skills on the 13th November 2024.

With no other business to go forward to the November 2024 meeting, the parish council meeting closed at 20:12pm