February 2025 DRAFT Minutes

Thursday 20th February 2025, at 7:30pm
Minutes taken by The Locum Clerk: Mrs Laura Forman 
(These minutes will be checked at the next meeting before the council amends/approves them as a correct record)
Councillors: Cllr Nigel Marshall (Chair), Cllr Bridgett Posey, Cllr Peter Bedford, Cllr Roy Pearson, Cllr Amy Marshall, Cllr Judith Godwin, Cllr Shaun Pearson, The Clerk Val Austin and The Locum Clerk Laura Forman.
Also Present:
Boston Borough Councillor: Dale Broughton
Lincolnshire County Councillor: Paul Skinner 
The meeting was called to order at 19:30pm 
1. Chairman to open the meeting: Hello & Welcome to you all.
2. Apologises:  To receive and accept apologises where a valid reason for the absence has been given to the clerk prior to the meeting.
• Cllr Simon Pearson – Advance apologises received.
• Cllr Paul Skinner (Lincolnshire County Councillor) – No Apologies received.
3. Public Forum: One member of the public present.
4. Police Matters: Stats and incidents are available to view on the police website. Local Crime information website www.streetcheck.co.uk. 

Shore Road

PE22 0NH


Anti-social behaviour – On or Near Butterwick Road

Shore Road

PE22 0NH


Criminal damage & Arson - On or near Bull Pasture - Under Investigation

Shore Road

PE22 0NH


Violence and Sexual Offences - On or near Bull Pasture- Awaiting court outcome x 4

Shore Road

PE22 0NH


Violence and Sexual Offences - On or near Homers Lane- Under investigation x 2

Shore Road

PE22 0NH


Violence and Sexual Offences - On or near Homers Lane- Unable to prosecute suspect

Shore Road

PE22 0NH


Violence and Sexual Offences - On or near Rowan Fields- Under Investigation

Church Road

PE22 0LA


Burglary - On or near Oak House Lane - Under investigation

Church Road

PE22 0LA


Violence and Sexual Offences - On or near Rowan Fields - Under Investigation

Croppers Lane

PE22 0QX


Anti-Social Behaviour - On or near Croppers Lane

Croppers Lane

PE22 0QX


Criminal damage & Arson - On or near Cut End Road - Under Investigation

Croppers Lane

PE22 0QX


Drugs: On or near Linton Close - Under Investigation

Croppers Lane

PE22 0QX


Violence and Sexual Offences - On or near Croppers Lane - Investigation complete; no suspect identified

Bakers Lane

PE22 0PH


Criminal damage & Arson - On or near Boston Long Hedges - Under Investigation

5. Minutes: To approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on the 19th December 2024. To resolve as a correct record and to authorise the Chairman to sign the official minutes
• All councillors resolved for the chairman Cllr Nigel Marshall to sign the minutes.
6. Declarations of interest (if any): To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests
• No declarations received
7. Planning update: Town and Country Planning Act 1990 - To consider and make observations on all planning applications received and to note planning approvals, refusals, enforcement complaints and appeal decisions advised by Boston Borough Council. 
B/25/0004 – Richmond, Shore Road – Extension.
Due to submission date being the 18th February, the Clerk contacted the Councillors by email for their comments. – No objections received.
8.   Updates / Discuss and resolve the following items
8.1. Highway & Roads – Update 
- Cllr Roy Pearson commented that there is a pothole on Priory Road that requires repair. Cllr Dale Broughton offered to report this and request repairs.
- Cllr Nigel Marshall mentioned that there was still some work to be completed on the curbing on Mill Lane but this was all in hand. However, the works may require a road closure. 
- Cllr Shaun Pearson reported that garden trimmings and waste had blown onto the roadway at Butterwick Road. Cllr Bridget Posey offered to speak with residents within in the area.
- Cllr Nigel Marshall stated that Cllr Peter Bedford had spoken with Clements regarding soil that has been left on the roadway. – Cleared away the next day.
8.2 Aspiration House – Parking Issues. – Update
Cllr Dale Broughton has received further complaints from residents (one in attendance) relating to the ongoing parking issues at Aspiration House. The parking is now causing obstructions not only to the highway but also to Carers accessing Haltoft End Estate and blocking access to the public pathway, with some residents experiencing abusive language. There have also been noise complaints. 
- Cllr Dale Broughton and Cllr Peter Bedford held a meeting with Aspiration House to discuss the concerns of the Council. Overall, a successful meeting with the Head of Aspiration House agreeing to work with the Council to resolve parking issues. 
- All Councillors reviewed photos taken of the Parking.
- No Parking restrictions to this area of the highway.
- Boston Borough Council are willing to repeat noise abatement measures.
- Cllr Nigel Marshall (Chair) suggested that the Council continues to monitor the situation until further information is available. 
8.3 Spring Newsletter – Content.
All Councillors discussed the content of the Spring Newsletter and whether the Parish newsletter should have more pages.
Cllr Judith Godwin asked whether the cost of any additional pages could be covered by advertising revenue. Also stating the importance of ensuring that the newsletter has the right balance of content and advertising.
All agreed for the Clerk to contact the printing company to obtain a price for a ten page newsletter. 
8.4 The Beonna at All Saints – Advertising in the newsletter.
All Councillors discussed whether The Beonna at All Saints should be permitted to advertise
within the newsletter to promote their music events, community events and Café. 
Cllr Bridget Posey stated that it may not be appropriate as The Beonna is not in Freiston Village
and the newsletter should be promoting the use of the Danny Flear Centre.
Cllr Shaun Pearson suggested that the Beonna’s advertisement be edited so that it would not
directly compete with the events at the Danny Flear Centre.
Cllr Nigel Marshall suggested that the advertisement could be included on a trial basis.
All agreed that a copy of the advertisement is to be sent to all Councillors for consideration.
The Council resolved to move Agenda item 8.6 to this point:
8.6 Meeting with Richard Tice MP.
The Clerk arranged with the Secretary of Richard Tice MP for the meeting to be held on Friday 21st
February 2025 at 6pm at the Danny Flear Community Centre.
All Councillors enquired as to whether confirmation of Richard Tice’s attendance had been received. The Clerk stated that no communication had yet been received.
All agreed for the Clerk to contact Richard Tice’s secretary to confirm if the meeting is to go ahead.
The Council resolved to move Agenda item 8.5 to this point:
8.5 Spring Litter Pick – Cllr Judith Godwin.
Cllr Judith Godwin discussed the need to arrange a time for litter picking, as previous dates had
not been well attended by residents. Cllr Shaun Pearson suggested advertising on social media
Resolved – All agreed that Litter picking shall be advertised on social media to attempt to
encourage further volunteers.
8.7 Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind Representative
All Councillors agreed for Cllr Simon Pearson to be the representative.
9. Finance:
9.1 Bank Account: Statement of accounts as at 18th February 2025
• Treasurers Account Balance - £5,957.16
• Business Bank Instant Balance - £3,193.80
• Fixed Term deposit account - £40,000.00 – Mature date July 2025
9.2 To approve the accounts for payments
• Payments due February 2025 - £810.40
• Payments made in between meetings - £12,962.07
10. Date of next parish council meeting: 
The next meeting is to be held on: Thursday 20th March 2025
11. Any other business to go forward to the March 20th 2025 Agenda / Note for information. 
- Cllr Judith Godwin mentioned that the waste bins at the Churchyard needed condensing with some of the bins requiring collection.
- Cllr Shaun Pearson stated that the speed signs still need to be installed. The Clerk stated that the speed signs can now be installed but requires two people. (Clerk to enquire as to what fixings are required). Cllr Nigel Marshall mentioned that the pole at Church Road had not yet been installed.
- Cllr Judith Godwin – The posts beside the Church cannot be kept at their existing height and a quote has been obtained to reduce the height of the posts and to install a more decorative rope to stop people parking there. 
- -Cllr Nigel Marshall expressed thanks to Cllr Peter Bedford and Cllr Dale Broughton for clearing up the recent fly tipping.
- Cllr Nigel Marshall noted that the Clerk will now be absent due to illness and that a Locum Clerk has been arranged to cover her duties in the interim. 
With no other business to go forward to the March 2025 meeting, the parish council meeting closed at 20.14pm
Chairman Signature: 