February 2022 Minutes


(These minutes will be checked at the next meeting before the council amends/approves them as a correct record)


Councillors: N Marshall (In the chair), J Godwin, P Bedford, R Pearson, S Pearson, J Tillson

Boston Borough Councillor J Wellbourn

Mrs V Austin (Clerk/RFO)

The meeting was called to order at 7.23pm 

Public Forum: Two members of the public were present.

Resident 1 - raised & discussed the issues concerning Aspiration House, Church Road, Freiston. 

Resident 2 - raised & discussed the Queens Jubilee & the clock tower at Freiston.

1   Apologies:  No apologies received from Councillor M Swift, this being the fifth month of non-attendance, or received any communication. 

To receive & accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting:  

Apologises received from Councillor A Pearson, at the 18th January 2022 meeting.

Apologises received from Councillor B Posy.

2   Police Matters –Stats & incidents are available to view on the police website. 

Local Crime information website www.streetcheck.co.uk

Crime data – See attachment for updated details.

3   Minutes: To approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on the 18th January 2022.  To resolve as a correct record of the meeting & authorise the Chairman to sign the official minutes, with no objections.

4   Declarations of interest - (if any): To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests – None received

5.   Planning update: 

Town and Country Planning Act 1990 - To consider and make observations on all planning applications received and to note planning approvals, refusals, enforcement complaints and appeal decisions advised by the Borough Council – No Planning applications received. 

6.   Item 7, should be item 6, incorrectly put on the agenda.

7.   Parish Matters / Matters Arising /Updates 

7.1   Speed Indicating Devices:

The clerk has received an update stating that due to weather (winter) that it was unfair to stand about in the cold for any sessions. Once the weather starts to brighten up, they will be commencing the sessions. Update March 2022.

7.2   We’ll Meet Again Museum: No further update    

7.3    Parish Magazine:    Update, is there an updated February edition

No further details 

7.4   Highways & Roads:

As advised by Councill P Skinner at the January 2022 meeting, these orders take a while to go through. Update required when all gone through.

Potholes: Fix my street to report potholes.

7.5   Defibrillator:    The clerk has been in contact with The Circuit, they confirmed that the unit is registered on their site, unfortunately, the clerk has not been able to speak to anyone, only via email, due to Covid to get an answer to the decreasing lights on the unit. The clerk has chased up the batteries & pads with Lives, waiting for a reply.

7.6   Photographs: Update required; the clerk received the memory stick to go through & add some of the scenic pictures to the website. The pictures that show members of the public, to get a consent form for the public to sign for authority.

7.7   Bull & Dog Parking: Update required, has the landlady arranged the car parking sign for their carpark? The landlady has not arranged anything so far. 

To monitor the parking situation.

7.8   Freiston Poor Charity Notice Board: Update, the work is still ongoing, no further update.

7.9   Projector for meetings:  The clerk showed the councillors several projectors & it was agreed by all to purchase the DAQ make £149.49 from Amazon (UK)

8.0:   Dog Fouling Stickers: The Clerk purchased A4 stickers. To give to Councillor B Posey.

8.1   Stanley Close Rubbish Collection: The clerk had previously contacted BBC, & has now received information on who to contact, the clerk has contacted Waste department. The clerk received an email response dated 2nd February, stating the bin is serviced on a Tuesday, they cannot offer additional collections. A review is in the early stages for emptying, they will consider the request. However, they have mentioned that we could install a larger capacity bin to ease the problem.

To monitor the situation.

8.2   Caloo – Exercise equipment - Freiston Playing Field, yearly service & maintenance, The clerk received notification that the service will be taking place on the 8th February 22. Chairman N Marshall advised that they had visited, The clerk to contact Caloo to get further information. 

8.3   Queens Jubilee – To discuss events for the jubilee.

i.   Repainting of the church clock - It was agreed by all councillors that the Parish council would contribute towards the cost of the repairs. There is an earmarked amount in the budget.

ii.   Five bar picket style entry signs with planters, the clerk to see if Marmax (recycled materials) do these, & find the costings & if planning permission is required. Councillor P Bedford to find out information.

8.4   Flyswat Team / Wombles Update: Councillor J Godwin has been wombling along the roads, but need more people to contribute. The dykes need to be cleaned out.

9   Correspondence:  All sent to relevant councillors by email.

10   Finance    

10.1   Bank Account Update: The clerk reported & showed the chairman, finance for the month of February 2022.   

10.2   The payments for February 22 were discussed & agreed & this was signed off by two signatories including the chairman.

Clerk & Litter Picker February 2022 payments. £452.26 

11   Date of Next Scheduled Meeting – Tuesday 15th March 2022 at 7.30pm  

12       Any Other Business by leave of the Chairman 

1.   Residents’ complaints with regards to Aspiration house, received letters with concerns       The clerk has been in contact with the Head Teacher at the house. To monitor the situation, The Clerk to reply to the resident’s emails.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.15pm