June 2023 Minutes
Minutes taken by The Clerk: Val Austin
(These minutes will be checked at the next meeting before the council amends/approves them as a correct record)
Councillors: Nigel Marshall (Chairman), Cllr Bridgett Posey (Vice Chair) Cllr Judith Godwin, Cllr Peter Bedford, Cllr Shaun Pearson, Cllr Roy Pearson, Cllr Amy Marshall, Cllr T Wheeler & The Clerk Mrs V Austin.
No members of the public were present.
The meeting was called to order at 19:26pm
1. Chairman to open the meeting: Hello & welcome to all.
2. Apologises: To receive and accept apologises where a valid reason for the absence has been given to the clerk prior to the meeting.
• Cllr Judith Godwin sent apologises – These were received last month,
Cllr Judith Godwin attended the June 2023 meeting.
• Cllr Simon Pearson, not in attendance, no apologises received.
3. Police Matters: Stats & incidents are available to view on the police website. Local Crime information website www.streetcheck.co.uk Crime data – Clerk to check the street check website.
• No data available
4. Minutes: To approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on the 18th May 2023. To resolve as a correct record & to authorise the Chairman to sign the official minutes.
• All councillors agreed for the chairman Cllr Nigel Marshall to sign the minutes.
5. Declarations of interest (if any): To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests
• No declarations received
6. Planning update: Town and Country Planning Act 1990 - To consider and make observations on all planning applications received and to note planning approvals, refusals, enforcement complaints and appeal decisions advised by Boston Borough Council.
• No planning applications received at the time of completion of the agenda.
7. Parish Matters / Matters Arising / Upda tes
7.1 Street Lights – The clerk has contacted Boston Borough Council for an update, nothing to report.
• The clerk has contacted Boston Borough Council, but has not received a reply, to chase up.
7.2 Speed Awareness – Update – The clerk contacted Highways & appointment was made for the 9th June 23.
• Cllr Nigel Marshall, met with an officer from Highways to discuss various highway matters.
• Highways are aware of the signage to be moved along Church Road
• Awaiting an update from Highways.
• Ongoing
7.3 Freiston Newsletter
• All councillors agreed to the white background & for the printing to be in colour.
• All councillors agreed to professional printing at an approx. cost of £120 + VAT
• The clerk to contact Chris Cook Printers
• All councillors agreed to do their bit with delivering the newsletter to residents
7.4 Highway & Roads – Update:
• Cllr Roy Pearson & Cllr N Marshall, reported various pot holes to FIX MY STREET
• To report any problems, to report to FIX MY STREET
7.5 Levelling up - Playing Field & Bowls Club
• Ongoing – No decision has yet been made with the levelling up fund.
• To hold until more information is available.
7.6 Flagpole – Update
• Cllr Peter Bedford, gifted a Lincolnshire flag, Thank you.
• All councillors agreed for the Union Jack flag to be put up for Veteran’s Day. Cllr Bridgett Posey will arrange for the flag to be put up Sunday 18th June.
• The Lincolnshire flag will fly after the event of Veteran’s Day.
7.7 Playing Field – Caloo Inspection
• Caloo advised the clerk of the completed inspection of the equipment on the playing field.
• Caloo advised that the Skier has a bent leg. Low risk. All councillors agreed to leave for now.
7.8 Danny Flear Community Centre – From May 18th meeting: Discuss & Resolve – Does the community centre need a microwave?
• All Councillors agreed that a microwave was not needed at this time.
8. Finance:
8.1 Bank Account: Statement of accounts as at 15th June 2023
• Treasurers Account balance £8,169.81
• Business Bank Instant balance £72,497.79
8.2. To approve the accounts for payments:
• Payments due for June 2023 - £680.28
• Payments made in May / June - £922.78
• Receipts received June 2023 -£35.68
9. Date of next parish council meeting: Thursday 20th July 2023 at 7:30pm
10. Any other business by leave of the chairman: For July 20th 2023 Agenda.
• Councillors mentioned the Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind Project
• Cllr Simon Pearson, send an email report, with concerns for the project.
• Cllr Peter Bedford mentioned, it would be a secretary of state decision with regards to planning.
With no other business the meeting closed at 20:08pm