January 2022 Agenda

I give notice that a meeting of the Freiston Parish Council, which will be held on Tuesday 18th January 2022, at 7.30 pm in the Danny Flear Community Centre.
Mrs Val Austin, Clerk to the Parish Council, 11th January 2022
There will be a 10-minute public forum if needed at 7.30 pm when members of the public may make short statements to the Council:
1   Apologies: To receive & accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting:
2   Police Matters –Stats & incidents are available to view on the police website. 
Local Crime information website www.streetcheck.co.uk
Crime data – No further updates.
3   Minutes: To approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on the 14th December 21.  To resolve as a correct record & to authorise the Chairman to sign the official minutes
4   Declarations of interest - (if any): To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests
5.   Budget & Precept
To discuss & agree the budget for the precept amount for 2022/2023 – The precept to be signed off by the clerk.
6.   Planning update: 
Town and Country Planning Act 1990 - To consider and make observations on all planning applications received and to note planning approvals, refusals, enforcement complaints and appeal decisions advised by the Borough Council – As at 11th January 2022 have not received any. 
7.   Parish Matters / Matters Arising /Updates 
7.1   War Memorial Site:
To discuss the War Memorial Board, the simplified version.
7.2   Speed Indicating Devices:
The clerk has asked for an update, no further update.
7.3   We’ll Meet Again Museum:
From September 21 meeting, to discuss sponsorship of the museum.
Update from the Chairman & Councillors at full meeting.
7.4    Parish Magazine:    Nothing to report 
7.5   Highways & Roads
From the November meeting, Update required from Councillor P Skinner.
Speed signs 30 / 40 – Freiston required traffic regulation orders. 
Clerk has chased this up, waiting for a response.
7.6   Defibrillator:    Nothing to report   
7.7   Trees: Update required, 18th December 21, did this go ahead?
7.8   Photographs: Update required, a decision to be made on the photos for the website.
7.9   Bull & Dog Parking: To discuss corner / parking problems: was agreed at last meeting to discuss with full council. Possible yellow lines / parking sign to the pub carpark. To monitor the situation. 
8.0   Freiston Poor Charity Notice Board:
Repairs have been completed, Chairman to see if the noticeboard is in good condition to come back to the church. Update required.
8.1   Projector for meetings:  The clerk has no update at present. 
8.2   Dog Fouling Stickers: The Clerk purchased lamppost stickers & gave the stickers to Cllr B Posey.
8.3   Stanley Close Rubbish Collection: The clerk contacted Boston Borough Council, no response, to chase.
8.4   Calcoo – Exercise equipment - Freiston Playing Field, yearly service & maintenance required, not received a date for the maintenance, the clerk has chased this up.
9   Correspondence:  All sent to relevant councillors by email.
10   Finance    
10.1   Bank Account Update:    
10.2   To approve Accounts for payment 
Clerk & Litter Picker January 22 payments. £493.76
11   Date of Next Scheduled Meeting – Tuesday 15th February 2022 at 7.30pm  
12   Any Other Business by leave of the Chairman